Boston University, B.A. Computer Science


Selected Coursework: Computer Networking, Full Stack Development, Advanced Algorithms, Algorithm Design, Software Engineering, Databases, Functional Programming, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Work Experience

Via Scientific - Cambridge, MA

Aug 2023 - Dec 2023
  • Strategically instrumented SaaS with OpenTelemetry for billing accuracy and service issue detection
  • Developed a backend integrating third-party data storage for streamlined data migration
  • Engineered a React-based search interface for efficient navigation of company’s diverse offerings
  • Engineered comprehensive unit and end-to-end tests, enhancing SaaS webUI reliability and performance

Linux Boot Loader Customizer

Jun - Jul 2023
  • Programmed a user-friendly interface for customizing the appearance of the Linux boot process
  • User can switch out themes and wallpapers with 2 clicks, reducing the time it takes to change settings
  • Implemented using Rust and HTML/CSS/Javascript using the Tauri framework

Chaotic Attractor Simulation

Mar 2023
  • Programmed and deployed beautiful simulations of various chaotic attractors
  • Rendered directly in the browser on end users machine without the need to install external apps
  • Implemented using HTML/CSS, Javascript, and three.js

Routing Protocols Implementation

Nov 2022
  • Implemented link state and distance vector protocols in a simulated internet protocol stack
  • Delivered packets across topological map while simulating congestion and router downtime
  • Created using Java

COVID-19 AI Model

Dec 2021
  • Programmed an AI model that distinguished between X-rays of COVID, pneumonic and healthy lungs
  • Correctly diagnosed 92% of X-rays between Covid and Non-Covid patients
  • Utilized Tensorflow, Keras, and Python

Photo Sharing Website

Apr – May 2021
  • Deployed a photo sharing website where users could interact with photos and build a friends list
  • Developed SQL backend that allowed uploading, tagging and captioning images with search capabilities
  • Created using SQL, Python, HTML/CSS, and Flask

Social Media Stock Picker

Jan 2021
  • Prototyped a stock picking service that gave investment advice based on social media sentiments
  • Advised stocks with positive sentiment based on real-time tweets
  • Created with peers during the Hack The Northeast 2021 hackathon using Python, NLTK, and Tweepy